Monday, February 17, 2020

Customer Inserts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Customer Inserts - Research Paper Example The extensive use of this therapy is also a subject of focus within this paper. The paper also tries to categorize this therapy in terms of set models of classifications for treatment of mental illnesses. The various aspects of the therapy which require improvements are covered within the context of the paper. Introduction Schizophrenia can be identified as a chronic mental illness which is characterized by the inability to process thoughts. Individuals suffering from this condition experience various symptoms. These symptoms may include paranoia as a result of mental instability (American Psychiatric Association, 2000 ). The individual gets the impression that others are conspiring against him/her and thus paranoia begins. Other symptoms may include hallucinations, disorganized speech and delusions. Hallucinations come as a result of the individual hearing voices which do not exist. This condition has been associated with a number of factors. Though there exists a small percentage l inked to genetic factors, the condition is immensely associated with substance abuse. The most common drugs associated with this condition include are cannabis and cocaine. Environmental factors like social groups can also be linked to the development of the condition to a small extent. Most of the environmental factors associated though, seem to lead to substance abuse. It is therefore not clear whether there is a direct connection between the environmental factors and schizophrenia. There exist numerous medications which have been used to treat schizophrenia. Being a mental condition, the treatment targets the developed symptoms as there are no viruses or infectious pathogens. The most effective, known methods have been application of first and second generation antipsychotic. These are aimed at getting the individual away from the causative agent. There exist numerous interventions employed commonly in the treatment of this condition. These include cognitive behavioral therapy, s ubstance abuse treatment, family member education, assertive community treatment, training in social skills among others. All these interventions aim at reducing the symptoms displayed by an individual. The intervention Cognitive behavioral therapy is a reality based intervention employed to help people with schizophrenia. It has been extensively used in many cases where symptoms associated with schizophrenia become evident. The king’s college in London developed this intervention. Numerous studies and researches have been undertaken in different parts of the world aiming at providing more information concerning the application of this reality based intervention (Berrios, 1994). This therapy aims at improving cognitive abilities which become drastically reduced by schizophrenia. It targets at restoring the cognitive abilities of an individual suffering from schizophrenia. Supported employment has been profoundly used in the treatment of individuals showing severe symptoms of schizophrenia. Supported employment is part of the cognitive behavioral therapy administered for the treatment of severe mental conditions. Through the use of supported employment, the people with mental illnesses like schizophrenia have been able to maintain competitive employment. The method employed in this study for collecting information was to use individuals with a severe mental condition. Some of the individuals chosen also had to have a history of job failures. They were

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